Herrenknecht AG - GERMANY
Based in Germany. With the experience of more than 4,100 projects, Herrenknecht is a technology and market leader in the area of mechanized tunnelling technology. Herrenknecht is the only company world­wide to deliver cutting­edge tunnel boring machines for all ground conditions and in all diameters – ranging from 0.10 to 19 meters. The product range includes tailor­made machines for traffic, supply and disposal tunnels, technologies for pipeline installation as well as drilling equipment for vertical and inclined shafts and deep drilling rigs. The Herrenknecht Group achieved a total output of 1,145 million euros in 2019. The independent family­run business employs over 5,000 people worldwide, including around 200 trainees. With around 80 subsidiaries and associated companies working in related fields in Germany and abroad, Herrenknecht is able to provide a comprehensive range of services close to the project site and the customer, quickly and in a targeted way.

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